31 October 2007

A tale of 3 scorpions

This evening God sent a bird to protect me from 3 scorpions! Yes, that's right. I had just gone into my tukul after dinner and was sitting on my bed when a bird
started flying around wildly on my porch. Birds kind of freak me out so I was watching it and had the fleeting thought, "I sure hope he won't find a way to get
inside." I looked up at the chicken wire and mosquito netting and thought, "Nah!" when all of a sudden that goofy bird crawled through part that overlaps and is not
secure and started flying around my tukul! I screamed and quickly clawed at my mosquito net which was still wrapped neatly above my bed for the day, and pulled it
around me. Then I worked up the courage to climb out and run out the door, calling for Sebsibe and Abebe. They came over with their sticks and managed to get the
bird out of my tukul alive. As they started to leave and I turned to go back inside, my headlight shone on a massive scorpion by the wall of my tukul. The guys
quickly killed it with their sticks. Then they wanted me to show them how the bird got in, so we went over to my door so I could explain. Again, as they were leaving
and I was about to close my door, I noticed a smaller scorpion along the bottom of my door frame. Smash! That took care of that one! We were all a little unnerved I think. By this time I'm thinking I'm seeing scorpions every which way I look, right? So after they left, I sat under my mosquito net for a few minutes and then
decided I needed to venture outside and get some water to wash. I put my headlight on and shone it all around me as I went out to my water drum. Wouldn't you know, about a foot behind my water drum was a third scorpion! So I've now killed my first scorpion (on my second try--I have bad aim!). I went to get Abebe again because I don't keep a
stick in my tukul (I will be as of tomorrow!) and this time he left me his stick. I have only seen one tiny scorpion during my whole time here until tonight and all of a
sudden there were 3 within a few feet of each other! If the guys hadn't been here getting that bird out and I hadn't noticed them then, they could have easily come in
one of the cracks by my door. And I have this bad habit of getting out of bed at night with my bare feet and not shining my flashlight down first...Like I said, God sent a silly old bird to protect me!

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