15 April 2012

Back in Nairobi!

We made it safely to Nairobi on Wednesday night! Thanks for praying for us--we needed it! It was a very long journey with very little sleep but we felt God's presence helping us along the way. He provided helpful airline staff and all of our luggage arrived intact! Karina traveled pretty well but had a rough few days of jet lag and homesickness to start with. She seems to have adjusted now and has really enjoyed getting re-acquainted with some of the other missionary kids on our team. We're hoping we all get a good night of sleep tonight and we're very excited about the coming week. Tomorrow we'll travel out of the city with the rest of the SIM Sudan team to Brakenhurst, a beautiful retreat center where we have our Spiritual Life Conference every year. It is always a refreshing time with good messages, worship, lots of time for fellowship, and fun for the kids. We're looking forwarding to re-connecting with teammates, meeting new ones, and continuing to seek the LORD's direction for our ministry in Sudan. Please pray for this over the coming week!

1 comment:

Jim said...

SO glad to hear you made it safely! Have a great time at the conference. :)