02 November 2008

One Year Ago Today....Day 1 of Nate's Visit

One year ago today, Nate rolled into my life on a quad bike. My team had heard that he and Kassu were planning to make the trip that day, Friday November 2nd. I remember waking up with anticipation that day, excited for the visit and the opportunity to get to know Nate. We didn't know exactly what time they'd arrive, only that it would take them several hours to travel the 60 km or so between Y. and D. on the ATV.

My teammate Vicki and I headed to the market town on our bikes to get some supplies. I think we got back to our compound right around noon and as we rolled in, we saw the quad bike and were surprised to find that the guys had already arrived! I was so nervous and realized with dismay that I was absolutely covered in sweat from the hot ride to town! Vicki and I walked into the dining hall where everyone was gathered to find Nate and Kassu, covered in mud, telling about their harrowing trip. We greeted them and Nate paused his story to smile and say hi to me and shake my hand. I hung around for a few minutes and then quickly excused myself to go and change my clothes before lunch (and make myself look half decent!). While I was in my tukul I made sure to pluck my eyebrows which tend to get a little neglected in the bush! Feeling human again, I made my way back to the dining hall and to Nate.

I don't remember a lot about that first day, except that I was pretty quiet. Nate and I didn't get into any real conversation between the two of us until the next day. I remember sitting around with him and Kassu and Grace and mostly listening, trying to throw in a little comment here and there. That evening we all watched a movie and I remember not paying too much attention to the movie but listening for Nate's comments from the back of the room and wishing I was sitting with him!

I soon learned that they were planning to stay until Tuesday or Wednesday the following week! What!? I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I thought they were only there for the weekend. I was deliriously happy that I was going to get to spend 4 more days around this guy. To be continued...

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