04 November 2008

One Year Ago Today...Day 2 of Nate's Visit

So, it was a busy Saturday morning on our compound. Grace made her famous sweet potato pancakes that she made for us most Saturdays and I made porridge to supplement since we had guests. I remember Nate commenting on how good the porridge was and I was happy!

Later that morning, Nate, Grace, Vicki and I got on our bikes and rode into the market town. We had to stop at the clinic to check on a little boy with burns. Nate started talking to people in Arabic and I was impressed with his language abilities. We soon went over to the market and started wandering around. It was then that I found myself walking beside Nate and he struck up a conversation with me specifically, asking me about my travels around the world. We started talking about how I grew up in the Arctic and about my family and then about his life and his family. The conversation continued as we walked around the market stalls and all the way home on our bikes. I felt so at ease around him and thought, "Wow, this is going rather well!"

We went back to the compound to have lunch and then later that afternoon we walked through the bush to G. village for our Bible teaching time there. Nate enjoyed getting to know Butros, an elderly man who was our language helper and translator, as we walked through the tall grass. It was a great afternoon of interaction with the villagers and fun to see Nate in that setting. On the walk home, Nate and I started talking again and continued most of the way.

That evening, the whole group decided to play games in the dining hall. Our Ethiopian teammates had never played Skip-bo before so Nate started to teach them and a good time was had by all...especially by Miss Amy Winger who was sitting at the end of the table, next to Nate. There was plenty of banter exchanged and we had a lot of fun teasing each other. I just remember feeling so happy and peaceful that evening and not wanting it to end...

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