08 February 2010

The Great Mosquito Hunter

It's great being back in Africa. Of the things that we missed most, mosquitoes are certainly not one. Now that we have our daughter with us, it becomes even more important that our house be rid of these annoying pests. The first few nights we stayed here, we found that sleep was hard to come by. The time change was a significant factor, but the buzzing around our faces (funny how they leave your legs alone to go for the head) was equally frustrating.

Now, properly armed with mosquito nets, we have slept better. But the "enemy" still lurks as we get ready for bed. So each night, with military precision, I set about our small cabin in "seek-and-destroy" mode. It's all part of parenthood I suppose!

Our house is nice... with running water and indoor plumbing. It's about the size of a one-car garage, with two small bedrooms, a little kitchen, bathroom and dining area. Still trying to figure a way to get to Sudan and start the building of our house there. Please keep us in prayer!

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