15 February 2010

The Joy of Family

In October 2006, this young man arrived in Kenya to begin as a missionary to Sudan. With life in transition, it was a difficult adjustment at times. There were many words of encouragement from wonderful teammates to help. And culturally, there were a few surprises. Being single in most rural African settings meant that my social status was affected. To the Sudanese, I was still a boy. I would try to explain that in my home country, it was age that determined such things. But it made little difference.

In returning to Africa a few weeks ago, there has been a subtle change. Many people have correctly identified it as being "settled", or as one friend put it, "Your mind is now calm... you are stable." Very true. And, just the other day, we were walking to a local shopping center. One of the matatu (taxi / mini bus) drivers called out, "Hey Baba... where to?" I did a double-take and then realized he was talking to me. It was a nice feeling.

Among the many joys of family is this sense of stability. Traveling now means that my family comes with me... different from before when I left parents, brothers, and sister behind. Let it be known that God has blessed me greatly with a wonderful wife and daughter! As we prepare to go to Sudan, please pray that we will find a supplier for the materials that we need for our home. Please pray that our little one would adjust to life there. And thank the Lord for your family (whether they're with you or not)... He has blessed so many of us.

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